Of course, I say Hi!

Welcome to my blog, the only place my mind can ramble on and on and sweet people, like you, have the patience to go through.
Hope you find something new.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

And the song ends

As I go through my playlist
I got you on my mind
there is something I cant resist
something that is one-of-a-kind

So I let this one song play
let the music fill my ears
and let my thoughts sway
around you so everything clears

Remembering how I first met you
You were so incredibly different
For a moment my heart knew
I found maybe it was meant

Then as the song continues
the lyrics go on forward
I imagine something new
Maybe both of us strike a chord

And then the song ends
I don't even realise when
now all I am left with is
something that I dreamt 

Wishing it would turn real
I know I might never know
But just this one deal
Could set and show

Till then let me play another song
let me make another dream
because you make me skip a beat
and the world is bright as a beam


I may not know too much but I can surely think much more coz I can experience Life and Laugh as It is!


  1. one. you should write more often.

    two. stay in touch with this jobless thing :P
