Of course, I say Hi!

Welcome to my blog, the only place my mind can ramble on and on and sweet people, like you, have the patience to go through.
Hope you find something new.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Should I?

Should I ask these questions or should I stop?
Should I hold on to somethings or should I let go?
Should be worried or should I be tension-free?

Should I try to change things or should I let them be?
Should I believe in reality or should I believe in dreams?
Should I raise my hands or should I raise my voice?

Should I search for the answers or should I let them find me?
Should I even believe there are answers to all the questions?
Should I? Maybe I should....

I may not know too much but I can surely think much more coz I can experience Life and Laugh as It is!

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